Tactical Orange, the new effervescent hydration tablet from Tactical Orange, is the brain child of two California search and rescue deputies who found themselves in a longer than expected rescue mission. Suffering from serious dehydration, they came up with a hydration tablet that can be dissolved in any clean water source, hydration bladder or water bottle and would be routinely included with their gear. Tactical Orange contains 20 ingredients, provides critical electrolytes, minerals and vitamins, and costs a fraction of ready-to-drink products. Tactical Orange comes in a sturdy, watertight tube with hinged cap .One tablet has only 13 calories, and does not contain high fructose corn syrup or caffeine. Its zesty flavor eliminates unpleasant "cotton mouth." It is specifically formulated for use before, during and after strenuous activities. One tube contains 10 tablets -- enough for 1.25 gallons of water.